Ground star anise is a real antibiotic from nature. The most interesting active ingredient present in star anise, called anethole, has also shown anti-inflammatory properties. From the extraction of its essential oil it is used in medicine and herbal medicine for the preparation of drugs and natural remedies.
Green paprika flakes lend themselves very well to the preparation of various recipes. Green paprika flakes is the only spice that must be used in considerable quantities, otherwise there is a risk that it will not make any contribution to the dish. It is particularly suitable for raw salads, or it can be cooked in various first courses.
Dried Japanese horseradish is the plant at the base of wasabi powder, used above all to accompany sushi and sashimi dishes. Wasabi can get even spicier with a hint of mustard, and add intense flavor to fish dishes, eggs, salads and to mix with creams and sauces.
Japanese horseradish 70.3%, MUSTARD, turmeric, wasabi japponica, corn starch, antioxidants E300, natural color E133.
For extreme heat, try the Carolina Reaper, a fiery delight from South Carolina. It is a new hybrid of the Capsicum Chinense family, obtained by crossing two species of strongly spicy chili peppers, the Pakistani Naga Morich and a Red Habanero. One of the strongest chili peppers in terms of heat, to be carefully sipped for an intense and rather strong flavor in your dishes.
The Shichimi Togarashi is a mixture of spices typical of traditional Japanese cuisine. Also called Nanami tōgarashi, because the number 7 in Japanese can be called both Shi and Nana. Excellent for flavoring soups, white meat dishes and various rice-based dishes.
green seetang, ginger, dried mandarin, black SESAME, white SESAME, red pepper, Japanese mountain pepper.