Green paprika flakes lend themselves very well to the preparation of various recipes. Green paprika flakes is the only spice that must be used in considerable quantities, otherwise there is a risk that it will not make any contribution to the dish. It is particularly suitable for raw salads, or it can be cooked in various first courses.
Ground mace has a more delicate flavor than nutmeg and has various uses in the kitchen. In Indian cuisine, it becomes part of the mix of spices that make up the curry, and in Chinese cuisine, where it is used in both savory and sweet dishes.
Ceylon Cinnamon is a sweet and precious spice, with a delicate, intense and musky flavor; with a warm and enveloping scent. It is useful for flavoring desserts, fruit salads, fruit, pastry preparations such as creams, puddings, crepes. In the convenient version of cinnamon powder, it also enhances hot drinks such as milk, tea, chocolate, punch and mulled wine. It also has excellent properties for the well-being of the stomach.