For extreme heat, try the Carolina Reaper, a fiery delight from South Carolina. It is a new hybrid of the Capsicum Chinense family, obtained by crossing two species of strongly spicy chili peppers, the Pakistani Naga Morich and a Red Habanero. One of the strongest chili peppers in terms of heat, to be carefully sipped for an intense and rather strong flavor in your dishes.
Cardamom is a spice particularly loved in the East and in Arab countries, with a pungent, slightly spicy and fruity aroma, with hints of lemon and eucalyptus, but it is now also used in European cuisines. It is also rich in beneficial properties for health, and also for beauty: perfect for obtaining healthy herbal teas.
Teff is a cereal typical of Ethiopia and Eritrea, highly nutritious and naturally gluten-free. Teff flour is a discovery with a delicate flavour, which brings wellbeing to the kitchen, both for gluten-free dishes and to give an exotic touch to your recipes. It is available in the light or dark version, diversified according to the variety.