Tonka beans are an exotic and strongly aromatic ingredient, adding a complex, unique spicy scent to your sweet or savory recipes. Furthermore, they have a high content of coumarin, a beneficial antioxidant substance.
Vanilla is mainly for flavoring desserts and for making excellent creams. The aroma is given by the presence of vanillin with antioxidant properties which helps maintain a young organism by counteracting the action of free radicals. It is also useful for fighting stress and defeating insomnia.
For extreme heat, try the Carolina Reaper, a fiery delight from South Carolina. It is a new hybrid of the Capsicum Chinense family, obtained by crossing two species of strongly spicy chili peppers, the Pakistani Naga Morich and a Red Habanero. One of the strongest chili peppers in terms of heat, to be carefully sipped for an intense and rather strong flavor in your dishes.
The crusco pepper is a variety of pepper typical of Basilicata, a region in southern Italy. Once harvested, the peppers are dried in the sun or in special dryers, becoming crunchy and maintaining a sweet and intense flavour. Cruschi peppers are a versatile ingredient in the kitchen, used both whole and in powder form, to enrich traditional dishes such as pasta, soups and side dishes, giving a unique and characteristic taste.