Ground Jamaican pepper, (also known as allspice (pimenta dioica) or carnation pepper) is native to the Caribbean and Central and South America. The most important crop in Jamaica, it is used to produce an interesting essential oil, so much so that the scent coming from the plantations pervades the air of the "allspice paths".
This spice, originally from India, has been appreciated in the East for centuries for its pungent flavor and its beneficial qualities on our body. The premium quality version of dried turmeric powder offers you incredible taste, digestive properties and numerous antioxidants. It is ground and ready for use in the kitchen, concentrating its aromatic characteristics to the maximum. Perfect for creating tasty dishes with an exotic and colorful touch!
Of Indian origin, curry has become a fundamental ingredient even in Western recipes. Ideal with all types of meat, fish and vegetables. It will enrich the flavor and make a pleasant tantalizing aroma in all your dishes.
Here is the curry created with the official recipe that the English colonists have perfected over time, thanks to the help of Indian chefs. A harmonious and light blend of spices, designed to adapt it to British taste and recipes, also perfect in many exotic dishes and for creative ideas in our cuisine.
Smoked Bonasura pepper is characterized by the size of the berries, larger than the "traditional pepper" found on the market and develops an extraordinary spicy aroma and intense flavor. A prized variety, originating from Kerala, it is cold smoked, using natural smoke from beech wood chips. The particular aroma makes it a very versatile pepper, suitable for any dish.
Herbs of Provence are a blend of fresh or dried aromatic plants. Unmissable in the recipes of local cuisine, these herbs are used to give the final touch in vegetable-based dishes, in stews, sauces, ragu and in grilled fish and meat, such as that of Sisteron lamb.
Ground fenugreek is a tasty spice with many beneficial properties. Used in cooking for many recipes, with its pungent and slightly bitter taste, it enriches spicy mixtures, first and second courses. It has an emollient action on the digestive system, and positively stimulates the metabolism of carbohydrates and triglycerides.
Like all oil seeds, they are a source of fat and protein but are also a reserve of manganese, calcium, Omega 6 and vitamin E. They are also used as a natural remedy for anxiety and as an anti-stress food, a feature that makes them a natural ally in alternative medicines. Finally, poppy seeds help lower blood cholesterol.
Chili pepper is an excellent flavoring for cooking but it is also a food with healing and cosmetic properties, which not everyone knows about. Chili pepper has antibacterial properties, as well as digestive and antioxidant properties. It is rich in vitamin C, vitamin A, E, PP, potassium, calcium and phosphorus.
Chili pepper is an excellent cooking flavoring but it is also a food with healing and cosmetic properties, not everyone is known. Chilli has antibacterial properties, as well as having digestive and antioxidant properties. It is rich in vitamin C, vitamin A, E, PP, potassium, calcium and phosphorus.
Ginger is rich in antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antiviral agents. It is rich in vitamins A, B6, K, relieves the sense of nausea, migraine, indigestion, heartburn and stomach pain. Rich in vitamin B, it decreases the sense of hunger. Excellent for sore throat and flu as it acts as an anti-inflammatory.
Chervil is an officinal and aromatic plant with diuretic and purifying properties, and useful for the respiratory system and against constipation. It is an aromatic herb very similar to parsley, but much more delicate. Rich in vitamin C, carotene, mineral salts, iron, calcium and magnesium, important for muscles and nerves.