Chives are an aromatic plant. Like the other most used spices, chives have a decidedly particular taste, although lighter and more delicate than that of garlic or onion. It has diuretic, antiseptic, cardiotonic, hypoglycemic, vermifuge properties. Use it directly dried to flavor many dishes like a normal spice.
Herbs of Provence are a blend of fresh or dried aromatic plants. Unmissable in the recipes of local cuisine, these herbs are used to give the final touch in vegetable-based dishes, in stews, sauces, ragu and in grilled fish and meat, such as that of Sisteron lamb.
Sichuan pepper is a green berry native to China, also called Sancho Pepper. It has a very fresh, citrusy, spicy and sparkling taste that gradually envelops the palate. It should be added to cooking, whole, or crushed in a mortar always in small doses because. Once toasted, it tends to quickly lose its flavor.
Fenugreek grains have strong properties that make them a tasty and beneficial spice. They are used in cooking for many recipes, for a soothing action on the digestive system and to stimulate the metabolism of carbohydrates and triglycerides.
Ground fenugreek is a tasty spice with many beneficial properties. Used in cooking for many recipes, with its pungent and slightly bitter taste, it enriches spicy mixtures, first and second courses. It has an emollient action on the digestive system, and positively stimulates the metabolism of carbohydrates and triglycerides.
Oregano has been widely used in cooking since Roman times. However, oregano is used to flavor many dishes, salads, sauces and sauces, cooked and raw dishes. It is excellent with many vegetables, tomatoes and aubergines, and with fish. In case of cold and flu you can make an infusion, also useful to facilitate digestion.
Like all oil seeds, they are a source of fat and protein but are also a reserve of manganese, calcium, Omega 6 and vitamin E. They are also used as a natural remedy for anxiety and as an anti-stress food, a feature that makes them a natural ally in alternative medicines. Finally, poppy seeds help lower blood cholesterol.
Wild fennel seeds are considered a particular aromatic spice in cooking, to enrich the flavor of our dishes with a rather sweet taste reminiscent of anise. They are used as ingredients in the home preparation of bread, crackers and breadsticks. Excellent flavorings for recipes with pork, boiled potatoes, gratinated vegetables and other Mediterranean cuisine specialties.
Thanks to its intense taste, ground rosemary is suitable to accompany fish, meat and many vegetables. It cannot be missing with roasted potatoes and is often used to brush meat and grilled fish with oil. It has a delicate aroma and can also be used in cooking.
The sage with a pungent and camphoric flavor can be used to flavor meat, vegetables, omelettes, soups and stews. In French recipes, sage is used for the preparation of soups and flavoring white meats and salami, while in Italy it is the protagonist of recipes such as tortelloni with butter and sage, Roman saltimbocca or in the scent of porchetta.
Thyme is a spice that makes many preparations pleasant. With an aromatic and slightly spicy taste, it can be easily used to flavor pasta dishes, roasted or grilled meat, fish and fillings. Excellent liqueurs and vinegars are also produced. Combined with wine, garlic, onion or brandy, it is used to prepare excellent sauces for meat dishes.
Chervil is an officinal and aromatic plant with diuretic and purifying properties, and useful for the respiratory system and against constipation. It is an aromatic herb very similar to parsley, but much more delicate. Rich in vitamin C, carotene, mineral salts, iron, calcium and magnesium, important for muscles and nerves.