Ground fenugreek is a tasty spice with many beneficial properties. Used in cooking for many recipes, with its pungent and slightly bitter taste, it enriches spicy mixtures, first and second courses. It has an emollient action on the digestive system, and positively stimulates the metabolism of carbohydrates and triglycerides.
Muntok white peppercorns are a variety of pepper obtained from the ripe berries of the pepper plant (Piper nigrum) native to Bangka Island, Indonesia. Compared to black pepper, white pepper has a more delicate and less pungent flavor, with earthy and slightly musky notes. It is produced by removing the outer skin of the berries after drying, leaving only the white inner seed. This variety of pepper is highly appreciated in refined cuisine for its subtle flavor and its ability to enhance dishes without overwhelming the taste.
Ingredients: Muntok white pepper Origin: Indonesia
Nutmeg is a very aromatic spice, widely used in the culinary field, but which can also be used for therapeutic purposes in herbal medicine and herbal medicine. Promotes relaxation and good sleep, nutmeg helps the liver and kidneys in the elimination of toxins.
Nutmeg powder is a spice obtained by grinding the seeds of the nutmeg tree (Myristica fragrans). It is known for its warm, sweet and slightly spicy aroma, and is used in cooking to flavor both sweet and savory dishes. Among its common uses are the preparation of desserts, hot drinks such as mulled wine, and meat or vegetable dishes.
Like all oil seeds, they are a source of fat and protein but are also a reserve of manganese, calcium, Omega 6 and vitamin E. They are also used as a natural remedy for anxiety and as an anti-stress food, a feature that makes them a natural ally in alternative medicines. Finally, poppy seeds help lower blood cholesterol.
Ground yellow mustard is used for the production of cream mustard which accompanies numerous dishes throughout the western world. It can be used during the cooking of roasts to obtain savory and pleasant consistency. In this form it can also be used for marinades and "rub".
We can use black mustard seeds to treat chronic constipation, as a diuretic and in gargle to treat the angine. It is a friend of the stomach, it is stimulating, febrifugal, antiscorbutic, and it can cause vomiting. Even dizziness, asthma, lumbago, sciatic, intercostal pain, tooth ache, menstrual pain, are all curable if we rely on mustard.
Chervil is an officinal and aromatic plant with diuretic and purifying properties, and useful for the respiratory system and against constipation. It is an aromatic herb very similar to parsley, but much more delicate. Rich in vitamin C, carotene, mineral salts, iron, calcium and magnesium, important for muscles and nerves.
The beneficial properties of juniper were known from the time of the ancient Egyptians. They were in fact used for embalming and for disinfecting rooms. The numerous active ingredients contained in the plant, juniper, confer important therapeutic benefits on them. Widely used in folk medicine to treat various ailments.
Tonka beans are an exotic and strongly aromatic ingredient, adding a complex, unique spicy scent to your sweet or savory recipes. Furthermore, they have a high content of coumarin, a beneficial antioxidant substance.
Whether it's an outdoor barbecue or home cooking, choose to flavor and aromatize the meats in an exquisite way. The aromas for grilled meat are inspired by the herbs traditionally used in the kitchen, to enhance the taste and aroma of the food. Here is the mixture to make a truly perfect barbecue.
A tasty blend, carefully chosen, with aromas and perfect to accompany grilled fish. The simplest and most appreciated condiment is certainly the one based on aromas like this one that we offer.