This herbaceous plant has several healthy properties, as well as gastronomic, known for centuries. Even today, its leaves are used both to flavor dishes with an intense taste, and to create herbal teas useful against stomach pain, aerophagia, as a function of digestive aid and astringent.
For extreme heat, try the Carolina Reaper, a fiery delight from South Carolina. It is a new hybrid of the Capsicum Chinense family, obtained by crossing two species of strongly spicy chili peppers, the Pakistani Naga Morich and a Red Habanero. One of the strongest chili peppers in terms of heat, to be carefully sipped for an intense and rather strong flavor in your dishes.
A version of the tomato in granules, rich in taste and ready to be used in many recipes. Dehydrated tomatoes can be used in the preparation of soups and stews, vegetable dressings, baked goods and many other dishes. They are a great ingredient in mouthwatering barbecue or pasta sauces. The tomato in granules is a dehydrated product, to be rehydrated before use.
Try an ideal resource for your recipes, which is also a totally natural supplement. Lemon powder retains the properties of fresh juice, with the convenience of the concentrated version. You can use it in the kitchen in the convenient concentrated version, for immediate use. Donate aromas and flavors of lemon in the preparation of desserts, drinks, and savory recipes. Contains vitamins and beneficial minerals.