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Aromatic Herbs & Spices
Spices and aromatic herbs are ingredients that are increasingly used in the kitchen, giving a unique flavor to their dishes. Sometimes it happens to confuse one with the other, even if they are different products, but their function is usually the same, that is to flavor the dishes, enhancing their flavor. The taste and benefits of aromatic herbs With the expression aromatic herbs, we generally refer to vegetables or herbs grown in pots and in the garden, but also available in the wild. There are several types, but among the best known products stand out bay laurel, basil, borage, oregano, parsley, thyme and sage. The aromatic herbs in the kitchen are used in many countries: for example pasta with tomato and basil is an indispensable must of Italian cuisine. The nutritional value of aromatic herbs is in itself rather poor, but these are very important ingredients because they vary the palatability of the foods and allow some useful substitutions for the body's well-being, such as spicy herbs as an alternative to salt. The aromatic herbs for sale on Natura d’Oriente are products of the highest quality, ideal for making your dishes tastier and to amaze your guests with unforgettable recipes. The taste and the benefits of aromatic spices The term spices indicate dry vegetable products that generally come from tropical countries or in any case from quite distant places, widely used since the past to preserve and flavor foods. Aromatic spices are obtained from different parts of the plants: cinnamon, cardamom, turmeric and ginger stand out among the most appreciated. Spices and aromatic herbs can give any recipe a unique touch, whether it is a meat dish or a tasty side dish: the secret is to find the right balance!
Cardamom in green seeds is a spice particularly loved in the East and in Arab countries, with a pungent, slightly spicy and fruity aroma, with hints of lemon and eucalyptus, but it is now also used in European cuisines. It is also rich in beneficial properties for health, and also for beauty: perfect for obtaining healthy herbal teas.
Sichuan pepper is a red berry native to China. It has a very fresh, spicy and citrusy taste. It should be added to cooking, whole, or toasted and ground (except the seeds). We recommend toasting only the amount needed for the dish being prepared, once toasted it tends to quickly lose flavor and intensity.
Ground Cardamom is a spice particularly loved in the East and in the Arab countries, with a pungent, slightly spicy and fruity aroma, with hints of lemon and eucalyptus, but it is now also used in European kitchens. It is also rich in properties beneficial for health, and also for beauty.
Il Pepe nero di Sarawak, originario della Malesia, si caratterizza per l'aroma piccante e asciutto, che non risulta invasivo poichè tende a sfumare, sottolinea il gusto delle pietanze senza sopraffare il palato, si abbina con ogni tipologia di piatto tanto da poter essere etichettato come "spezia multiuso" ed é particolarmente apprezzato anche dai neofiti delle spezie.
Aleppo pepper is a fine spice with a fruity and slightly smoky flavor, with a medium spiciness and sweet notes similar to cumin and dried tomato. Used in Middle Eastern cuisine, it is perfect for seasoning meat, vegetables, sauces and spicy dishes.
The cumin plant is one of the oldest medicinal plants, it produces seeds that have a spicy flavor and a rich and singular aroma. In recent years, some research is also verifying its slimming power. The scientists involved compared the effects on overweight and blood sugar levels of the use of cumin extracts.
Ground Jamaican pepper, (also known as allspice (pimenta dioica) or carnation pepper) is native to the Caribbean and Central and South America. The most important crop in Jamaica, it is used to produce an interesting essential oil, so much so that the scent coming from the plantations pervades the air of the "allspice paths".
Chives are an aromatic plant. Like the other most used spices, chives have a decidedly particular taste, although lighter and more delicate than that of garlic or onion. It has diuretic, antiseptic, cardiotonic, hypoglycemic, vermifuge properties. Use it directly dried to flavor many dishes like a normal spice.
Sichuan pepper is a green berry native to China, also called Sancho Pepper. It has a very fresh, citrusy, spicy and sparkling taste that gradually envelops the palate. It should be added to cooking, whole, or crushed in a mortar always in small doses because. Once toasted, it tends to quickly lose its flavor.
Oregano has been widely used in cooking since Roman times. However, oregano is used to flavor many dishes, salads, sauces and sauces, cooked and raw dishes. It is excellent with many vegetables, tomatoes and aubergines, and with fish. In case of cold and flu you can make an infusion, also useful to facilitate digestion.
Thanks to its intense taste, ground rosemary is suitable to accompany fish, meat and many vegetables. It cannot be missing with roasted potatoes and is often used to brush meat and grilled fish with oil. It has a delicate aroma and can also be used in cooking.
The sage with a pungent and camphoric flavor can be used to flavor meat, vegetables, omelettes, soups and stews. In French recipes, sage is used for the preparation of soups and flavoring white meats and salami, while in Italy it is the protagonist of recipes such as tortelloni with butter and sage, Roman saltimbocca or in the scent of porchetta.