Essential oils to use during autumn

Essential oils to use during autumn

Autumn is here, the days are shorter, the weather is uncertain and sometimes even our mood is a bit ‘moody’: let's see which essential oils are best suited to this season. To be used to create the right atmosphere and improve our well-being.

Autumn' essential oils to diffuse in the room

If you usually use room diffusers, natural fragrances to use at this time of year are orange, mandarin, cinnamon and vanilla, to be used individually or by cleverly combining the right aromas. For example, you could try mixing 3 drops of cinnamon essential oil, 2 drops of ginger and 1 drop of patchouli to create a warm, cosy atmosphere. If you prefer balsamic notes, you could try a mix of pine, vetiver, sweet orange and sandalwood oil (5, 2, 1 and 2 drops respectively).

Edible essential oils suitable for autumn:

Ideal for this season, essential oils extracted from citrus peels, thyme essential oils, rosemary, energising, useful for wellbeing, concentration, energy levels and lavender oil, for those who need to best support the stress of the return journey.

Essential oils to use for suffusions:

Autumn often also means colds and nasal congestion, in which case suffimixes with essential oils can be of great help to find relief. The most suitable options in this case are essential oils of Eucalyptus, Thyme, Rosemary, Peppermint, Juniper, Tea tree, Pine or Fennel. As always, we remind you that it is essential to stick to the maximum recommended amount and to seek medical advice as always, especially if there is no previous experience of using pure essential oils.