Che ne dite di una mousse di cioccolato al  peperoncino?

Che ne dite di una mousse di cioccolato al peperoncino?

Today we are in the mood for something greedy, with an intense and addictive taste... a real feast for the taste buds, like a chocolate mousse with a spicy touch of chilli, ideal as the perfect ending to a dinner party... or simply to treat ourselves to a tasty (not necessarily high-calorie) snack.

Searching here and there on the net we found a really tasty one, a chilli-flavoured mousse enriched with chocolate ganache cream. You can find it on

For a ‘light’ version, you can try replacing the cream with fresh 0% fat Greek yoghurt.

Most recipes generally use ingredients of animal origin, or contain lactose. That's why we have come up with some less usual recipes for you to experiment with, plant based, fit....but still tasty.
Like's Chocolate and Chilli Mousse, the proposed ingredient list does not include chilli, but a touch of spiciness goes really well with the taste of this vegetable mousse. Add it together with the cocoa in the last step with the minipiper.

If you don't particularly like the taste of avocado, you can make a very good chocolate mousse without eggs or cream, using the pulp of apples and pears. You can blend them au naturel or sauté them for a few moments in a pan with a little water, honey or maple (or agave) syrup and maybe a sprinkle of cinnamon before proceeding.

To garnish and accompany your mousse, you can use dried fruit, red berries, a dollop of cream (also vegetable) or a scoop of vanilla or fruit ice cream... and why not, maybe even some chilli threads, for a great aesthetic result and to further enhance the taste of your spicy chocolate mousse.